but how long

a website that converts lengths for you. has a silly amount of measurements.


a thing that plays rock paper scissors. not a "smart" player, but there you go anyway.


make a bowl of noodles. comes pre-built with the ability to burn your meal.

ten thousand

a timer that tracks ten thousand hours of an activity.

what should i

a decision-maker! how fun.

bouncy ball

my first sort-of physics engine. had lots of help from a fren with this one.

array sort

my first sorting thingy. uses the array.sort method and is wildly simple.

bubble sort

my second sorting thingy! uses the bubble sort method, which you can learn about on brilliant.org

insertion sort

my third sorting thingy. based on the insertion sort method, which you can learn about at brilliant.org

random art generator

a thing that makes weird patterns based on the buttons you press.

random rainbow path

a perlin walker that i made before i knew what perlin walkers are. changes colour! fun fun.

snek pent

make a picture using a line controlled with your arrow keys.

text patterns

a very early project that randomly generates patterns from bits of text

word count

a little thing that counts your words, vowels, letters etc. beep boop.